
Current Legislation:
The Trade Marks Act of 1965
The Trade Marks Regulation 1967
Any person who claims to be the proprietor of a mark may make
application to the Registrar of Trade Marks for its registeration.
Nigeria follows the international classification of goods. An applicant
must provide the following:
a) Name and address of the applicant
b) List of goods for which application is sought; an applicant may
specify the class or classes in which application is to be made.
c) Bromide copies of the mark particularly when the mark is a device mark or colour is claimed.
d) Authorisation of Agent Form (
Power of Attorney
simply signed by the applicant or its authorised agent where the
applicant is a corporation. There is no need for legalisation or
This form form can be downloaded HERE
Duration and Renewal :
A registered trade mark is valid for a period of seven years from the
date of the filing of the application and may be renewed, at the option
of the proprietor, for successive periods of fourteen years. A
registered trade mark may be removed from the register for non-renewal
on the apllication of a person concerned.
Remedy for infringement of a registered trade mark is available at the federal high court.
NB: Service Marks are now registerable in Nigeria
For further inquiry send mail to info@garkaylaw.com
Form 1
Form 17
Statutory Declaration